A matter of perception

  • A matter of perception

"A matter of perception reminds us that we do not have the ultimate truth. Everyone has their own truth and views things from their own perspective."

Pearls of Wisdom
About This Project

The “Pearls of Wisdom” series is a limited edition of 8 prints per image.


This silkscreen series is inspired by an introspective trip to Bali, where I was moved by the way people live connected to their divinity in their daily rituals and offerings. This observation left a lasting impression on me and led to the creation of this series.


These works were created with the intention to incite reflection, connect us to our inner divinity, uplift, encourage and be gentle with ourselves.


The meaning and vibration of words, the colours’ intensity, and the playfulness of light and shadow, through the wavering of the paper, all work together to evoke these contemplative moments.

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